Stephen Balch

Stephen Balch

Stephen Balch has operated as a private business consultant for over 15 years and is an accomplished executive manager. Through his consulting work Stephen has advised clients on strategy, corporate governance, financial management, internal audit and risk management issues.

Stephen holds a Bachelor of Business degree, majors in Accounting and Marketing, and enjoyed a diverse career as an academic, auditor, accountant, general manager, chief executive officer, company secretary and director. He was also an elected member of the Northern Territory Parliament and held the position of Government Whip for 4 years.

For over 15 years Stephen has had continuous engagement with the Care and Disability sectors and looks forward to making a contribution to the great work of The Disability Trust through a position on the Board.

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The Disability Trust acknowledges the traditional custodians of the Country on which we provide services. We recognise the strength and intergenerational resilience of Elders and honour the culture and knowledge of community leaders past, present and emerging.

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