In 2023, The Disability Trust was awarded a grant from the Department of Social Services (DSS) and in partnership with AFDO – Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, we delivered the Tourism Local Navigators Pilot from the Illawarra to Eden.
The focus of the Pilot, which ran until Sunday 30 June 2024, was to help and support small and medium sized (SME) tourism businesses address barriers they have previously identified in recruiting, retaining and progressing employees with disability within their workplaces.
The Pilot has helped build the capability, disability confidence and workplace accessibility in tourism SMEs in the region.
It also assisted in reforming their workplace culture, employment practices, sustainable job creation for people with disability, on the job training and supports.
Among the highlights of the Pilot were:
- 97 vacancies for people with disability were filled via volunteer work, work experience, paid work trials and paid employment
- More than 800 SMEs were contacted during the Pilot and 178 SMEs participated
- There were 66 events such as career expos, interagency meetings and community group meetings.
The Tourism Navigators team would like to thank every business who has participated in the Tourism Local Navigators Pilot and The Disability Trust looks forward to working alongside you in the future.
If you are represent a business who may be interested in learning about how to employ people with disability. Or are someone looking to find meaningful employment visit to get in touch and find more information on the employment services and supports we provide.
Please feel free to reach out to The Disability Trust’s Employment Pathways Coordinator, Laura King via email at or you can submit an online enquiry.