Sarah is a participant with The Disability Trust in South-East Queensland who wrote this article in our Year In Review magazine on why she loves the how she is living her best life in shared accommodation and supported employment thanks to The Disability Trust's support workers.
My name is Sarah, and I live on the beautiful Gold Coast having shifted here from Brisbane in 2021.
I live in shared student accommodation, have two great flatmates and my parents live close by.
Last year I secured a position with supported employment and work two days per week in Burleigh Heads.
I love it and really enjoy the people that I work with and the supervisors who make sure we are doing the job.
I am hoping that I can increase the days and go to three days per week.
I have a great team of Disability Support Workers from The Disability Trust.
They help me with going to the gym twice a week and also going to Art Therapy every second Friday.
They also help with transport to my job one afternoon a week and then we go and spend some time at the Community Gardens, where I have my own plot.
At the moment I am growing lettuces, spinach, spring onions, snow peas and broccolini. It is so cool having fresh vegetables when I want them, and the staff are always there to help me.