Key Word Sign Australia created Key Word Sign Awareness Day in 2017 to spread the word about this simple and effective communication method for adults and children with speech, language, and communication difficulties.
Key Word Sign (KWS) can be used with other forms of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) like communication boards, picture boards and devices. Many children and adults use KWS as a primary form of communication or to communicate quickly and easily with their family and friends.
KWS Awareness Day is October 10 this year.
KWS communicates keywords or the most important concepts in a sentence signing alongside speech, natural gestures, facial expressions, and body language.
Trusted Clinical Services Senior Behaviour Support Practitioner Khaila has been collaborating with Speech Pathologist Keely and the people they both support to learn KWS.
Khalia said: “It has been great to learn from Keely and the participants during sessions, which has increased our connection and rapport, while also helping to add more into our skill development sessions from a
behaviour support perspective.”
We often hear, “all behaviour is communication”. The opportunity to learn KWS has increased the level of support our Trusted Clinical Services team offers, growing the ability to communicate and connect with them.
KWS is great for modelling with support staff while engaging in sessions with participants so that they can practice with the person afterwards.
This promotes their connection and understanding and ensures the person’s needs can be met.