Vacancy in the suburb of O’Connor, ACT
- 4
- 2
- 2
- SDA CategoryImproved liveability
- SDA CategoryImproved liveability
Located in a leafy section of O’Connor, this spacious property is surrounded by heritage listed properties, sporting ovals, and an abundance of restaurants and eateries. Located a few kilometers north of Canberra, this property is tucked away from the city noise, but is still close enough to feel the city centre hive of activity.
Specialist Disability Accommodation: Improved Liveability.
Single storey, flat interior.
One communal bathroom with an additional en suite, all with accessible wheelchair access.
Large walkways and door frames for wheelchair access.
Lowered kitchen counter tops.
Residents are supported with 24/7 access to skilled and qualified support staff. Inactive overnight support available.
House Features
- Spacious living, kitchen and dining areas.
Large backyard with undercover pergola.
Applicant Considerations
Support Available
The level of support is determined on the resident’s needs. There is a current mix and 1 – 2 staff on shift at a time, and includes inactive sleepover support.