Contact Us

If you would like more information or for us to contact you please submit your details below.

General enquiries

If your enquiry relates to feedback or a complaint please complete our

The Disability Trust
1300 347 224

Head Office:
5 Edney Lane, Spring Hill NSW, 2500

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PO Box 378, Figtree NSW, 2525

NDIS Provider number: 4050001881

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment

National Relay Service (NRS) makes it easier for you to contact The Disability Trust.

Freecall 13 3677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia.

FreeCALLâ„¢ 1800 555 677 (Voice and TTY) for all calls within Australia to 1800 numbers.

For Non-English Speakers

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National can provide telephone and onsite interpreters for non-English speakers to help you access The Disability Trust.

Telephone: 131 450

If you would like to support The Disability Trust to continue to deliver our support services, feel free to to us here.

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Indigenous Culture mark

The Disability Trust acknowledges the traditional custodians of the Country on which we provide services. We recognise the strength and intergenerational resilience of Elders and honour the culture and knowledge of community leaders past, present and emerging.

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