Diversity and Inclusion
Our vision is to create an inclusive world, and this begins in our workplace.
Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of our mission. We believe that by embracing and celebrating every individual as they are, we can create a more inclusive world. Our commitment to diversity extends to all aspects of our work, including our initiatives, our staff, and the wider community.

We are committed to progressing our journey to reconciliation. Through our Reconciliation Action Plan, we not only raise cultural awareness and respect, we join the community in elevating the voice and space for our first nations people.
People with Disability
Our strategic priorities include being the provider and employer of choice for people with disability. We are proud of our purpose to create an inclusive world, where people with disability are provided the same opportunities as all others in the community. The Trust has set a target for employment of people with disability and are working towards understanding and better integrating people with a range of abilities into the workplace, as effective and engaged employees.

Leading with Pride
Fostering pride in sexuality and gender diversity, we see the individuality of our employees as added value. The more we encourage, welcome, and celebrate variances in sexuality and gender, the more we can contribute towards a more inclusive society, a society of belonging.
Cultural Inclusivity
The Disability Trust employs close to two thousand people, and through nurturing a culturally safe work climate, we both recognise and respect the vast numbers of, religious and cultural backgrounds of our employees. The sense of belonging leads to committed and engaged employees, in turn supporting our diverse client base.

Mature Age Employment
We actively promote the value and contributions of our mature age workforce, and we believe that as an employer, our flexibility offerings support the balance of work and life. We equally recognise the importance of entry level employment, and the significant value of our ageing employees. . This provides a unique opportunity for those who are entering the later part of their working life, or looking to reduce their working hours as they mature: a terrific opportunity to work in a highly valuable job.
The Disability Trust are proud to expand our mission of creating an inclusive world, for our clients to live full and rewarding lives, to our workforce. We practice what we preach – recognising the unique attributes of our workforce, not only promoting this commitment, but implementing systems and processes to best capitalise upon the vast array of ideas, views and approaches, towards the betterment of belonging.

Diversity is a superpower. Sometimes, we ask ‘If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?’ Well, I ask, why can we only have one superpower when we can have many? A workforce which is truly representative of the community in which we live and a workplace where you truly belong gives an organisation the most valuable advantage. The more diverse our team, the more superpowers.
The Disability Trust