Mental Health Supports

Services and supports for people living with psychosocial disability

The Disability Trust provides a range of services and supports for people living with psychosocial disability. We also have extensive experience tailoring support for people with a dual diagnosis where a mental health condition exists alongside another disability: physical, neurological or cognitive.

Services designed to support people with psychosocial disability we deliver include the Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) program, Mental Health Respite or Targeted Community Care, Supported Accommodation and Clinical Services. These services are available across various regions. CPS delivers assistance for adults aged 16-65 living with a severe or complex mental health condition who are not receiving funded supports through the NDIS.

Psychosocial supports through the CPS program are free for people living with severe mental illness and delivered by The Disability Trust in the Bega Valley, Eurobodalla and Snowy Monaro local government areas.

Psychosocial Support Participant
Clinical Support Practitioner

Three key elements of the program

  • Service Navigation: to help you find and connect with services that best meet your needs.
  • NDIS Application Support: to explore whether the NDIS might be relevant to you, and help you prepare and apply to have your eligibility formally assessed.
  • Recovery Supports: aiming at helping you see a more hopeful future.

Psychosocial supports are non-clinical, time-based ways to assist you to rebuild and maintain connections, build social skills and participate in education and employment.

These supports are provided by trained psychosocial workers, some of whom have a lived experience of mental health issues, who can help you navigate the mental health system, access information on a range of topics, and support you to connect with other community agencies to achieve your identified goals. A lived experience worker is a person who is employed to work specifically from a lived experience of mental illness and recovery. All our workers have knowledge and experience of mental health issues and deliver supports that aid a meaningful recovery.

You can trust us to help you achieve your goals: Recovery is different for everyone. It can be a unique, personal journey and an ongoing experience. It is a journey rarely taken alone and often includes achievement and setbacks.

Together … We can support you through the journey of recovery. Our aim is to help you create and live a meaningful and productive life in a community, in the way you choose. Anyone can refer into the Commonwealth Support Program. It could be you, your family, friends, GP, other services or health professionals can refer to the program.
Psychosocial Support Team in Bega
Commonwealth Psychosocial Support in Bega

Other mental health supports

Supported Accommodation includes shared or independent living where we have trained support workers providing assistance to ensure the personal, medical and health care needs of each person are met and independent living skills are developed and maintained.

Targeted Community Care or Mental Health Respite supports people with psychosocial disability to access the community and enjoy the living, learning and work opportunities of their choice while providing a break for their carers or families. You can access this support in most areas that The Disability Trust services. We have a multidisciplinary Clinical Services team that offers a wide range of services. Our Clinical Services practitioners work hard to service all regions of our operations.

Enquiry Form

Enquire about accessing our Mental Health and Psychosocial Support services or request more information below.

Indigenous Culture mark

The Disability Trust acknowledges the traditional custodians of the Country on which we provide services. We recognise the strength and intergenerational resilience of Elders and honour the culture and knowledge of community leaders past, present and emerging.

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