
Basketball is a game that involves a lot of variety, including shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, defensive skills and much more.

NDIS funding is a requirement to join this program. 

Experiences include:

  • Burning calories
  • Building endurance
  • Improving balance and coordination
  • Developing concentration and self-discipline
  • Building up muscle
  • Helping you to make new friends and teach you about being a good team player
  • Be played by people of all ages and all abilities
  • Playing all year round because it’s usually an indoor sport

Green and purple bowling balls on a rack at a bowling alley.


4:15pm - 5:45pm

Port Hacking High School Gymnasium

Elizabeth Evangelou - Sport and Recreation Officer

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The Disability Trust acknowledges the traditional custodians of the Country on which we provide services. We recognise the strength and intergenerational resilience of Elders and honour the culture and knowledge of community leaders past, present and emerging.

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