Newcastle Office

Celebrating Hunter Office Opening

The Disability Trust is excited to expand their services to the Hunter region, celebrating their new office in Argenton. The Hunter Office held an official opening ceremony on Wednesday 27 July 2022 with many in attendance, including local participants, staff, and community partners.

The opening commenced with an Indigenous Smoking Ceremony, followed by speeches from Ed Birt and Tracy Wright before the official cutting of ribbon. Afternoon tea followed the formalities, with everyone enjoying experiencing the new facilities.

We have a well-established partnership with Community Disability Alliance Hunter (CDAH), a peer-led organisation, led by and for people with disability. Our partnership continues to enhance our awareness, approach to and partnership with people with disability, strongly influencing the way we provide services. This unique partnership enhances our ability to provide genuine person-centred services, guided by the knowledge and expertise only people with lived experience can offer.

So far, our Hunter office have supported more than 70 people transition from living in large residential centres into new homes. The Trust remains committed to ensuring everyone can live the life they choose, in their home and community.

Come and visit us at our new location, our Hub, where people can come together, feel welcome, try new things and be part of our local community.

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The Disability Trust acknowledges the traditional custodians of the Country on which we provide services. We recognise the strength and intergenerational resilience of Elders and honour the culture and knowledge of community leaders past, present and emerging.

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