1. Why do you like working for The Disability Trust?
I have always had an interest in people, relationships and upholding and championing rights, so when the opportunity arose for me to work in the disability sector while I was studying at university, I felt I had found the perfect industry and a leading organisation at The Disability Trust.
2. What is your favourite aspect of the job, and why?
My particular areas of interest include understanding how trauma influences behaviour, working systemically, and empowering people to have a voice. I am so privileged and feel very grateful for the people in my sector whom I have worked alongside and have trusted me with their stories. The incredible people I meet; their families and systems supporting them, is what has continued to compel the passion and enthusiasm for my work at The Disability Trust.
3. Do you feel valued in your role?
I am grateful that current and previous colleagues have shaped and influenced my work practice. I have worked within a few different organisations, with the most talented, considerate and clever colleagues. It continues to be an incredibly interesting role. I am never bored and I always feel privileged that the people I support share their stories with me and that I get to assist in creating a better support framework that enables a better quality of life here at The Disability Trust.