Join in the Conversation

Wollongong Council is planning an inclusive play space for young people and adults with disability. They are seeking community feedback on the concept plan, which expands Stuart Park’s existing playground to incorporate the new features.

The concept for an inclusive play space in Wollongong has been in the planning for some time and is intended to be delivered in two stages. The first stage is currently funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund, corporate and community donations and Wollongong City Council.

A two-staged approach to construction is proposed, with Stage 1 works planned for June 2021. Additional phased access upgrades in Stuart Park, including toilets, linking paths and parking are planned to occur to support the proposed playground extension. The existing playground in Stuart Park would remain open during works.

To find out more about the proposal or to provide feedback, visit Council’s engagement website by Monday 15 March 2021:


Join the Conversation by Monday 15 March 2021.  

Please feel free to share with your networks as all feedback is welcome!

About the Self Advocacy Group

• What does the self-advocacy group do?

The Self Advocacy group meets once a month to discuss a range of issues that relate to people with disabilities. The participants who access the Illawarra Self Advocacy group look at issues that impact all people with disabilities, and not just those that relate directly to those accessing the service. The Illawarra Self Advocacy group is a voice for all participants with a disability to ensure people living with disabilities have access to quality services while being connected to their local community.

• How often do they meet and where do they meet?

The group meets once a month on a Thursday evening at our Headway site located in Gwynneville. For participants who can’t access reliable transport, Trust staff pick them up and drop them home for the monthly meetings. The group also gets together on a Saturday four times per year to have a social outing and try new experiences that interest the group. The group will have a guest speaker attend the Thursday meeting and share a meal together.

• Is there an opportunity for members of the public to get involved in the self-advocacy group?

We are always looking for guest speakers to attend our monthly Thursday night group to speak about issues that relate to people with disabilities accessing their local community and having access to quality services that meet their interests. This includes local, state, and federal members of parliament, people from local government and disability advocates.

Express interest in joining the group by emailing Beth Moore at 

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