We are back

Services are opening up across The Disability Trust as we emerge from lockdown restrictions, and there are smiles aplenty wherever you look!

Our Sydney team have been excited to transition from our successful virtual programs to a full range of face to face programs. Returning programs include Fitness4All, Art, Cooking, Social, Theatre and our always popular Ragers. Participants and staff alike have had a great time with the return of programs. Participants who are not yet ready to return won’t be missing out – We will be continuing our virtual programs.

Cooking was on the menu in the Southern Highlands, where we have been making baklava. It’s the group’s first day back and they’re all over the moon to be back at it!

In Goulburn, participants have also been enjoying the return to group activities and getting out and about.

Meanwhile in the ACT, Score Raiders are back in the game! As they are allowed to gather in groups of 25 outside, they resumed full training last week. Social distancing, regular sanitising, temperature checks and cleaning of equipment is now a regular part of their routine in order to stay healthy and safe. No modified games were allowed but the participants enjoyed being back in each other’s company, participating in passing relays, kicking games and fitness drills.

Participants and staff at Willow day options were extremely excited and happy to be returning. There were even a few tears of joy.

There have also been some moving moments in our Supported Independent Living homes, with visits able to resume. It was great to see families reunited after such a long time without face to face contact.

Down in the far South Coast and Snowy Monaro regions, everyone was delighted to be spending time in our wonderful community – fishing, busking, cycling, gardening, walking, going for picnics and getting back to community markets. 

While connecting online was fun for a while, reconnecting in person with the activities and friends they enjoy has been really wonderful. We’re still mindful of social distancing, mask wearing and hand cleaning. Everyone is happy doing the right thing knowing it keeps us all safe and helps us all to get back to spending time with friends and doing what we love to do.

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