Working on a good plan

Working on a GOOD Plan

The Disability Trust Chief Operating Officer Ed Birt reinforced the value of goal setting for staff and the people they support in delivering a GOOD plan training session to Disability Support Workers at the Sporties Rec Room.

A large group of enthusiastic staff headed to The Trust’s head office in Wollongong on Friday to learn about the person-centred planning framework.

“I love empowering our staff to really work with our participants to understand them and where they want to go with our support,” Ed said.

“We have the best staff, they are passionate person-centred professionals and coming together like this gives everyone a chance to really reflect on how they can provide the best supports and services in 2024.

“It’s a great time of year to be doing this training with so many people setting goals for the year ahead. It was a perfectly timed opportunity to meet with staff.”

The Disability Trust’s GOOD Plan person-centred planning framework and toolkit provides staff with a range of tools and approaches to ensure our supports are firmly focused on helping participants achieve their goals.

Whether people are accessing The Trust for employment, home and living, travel, short breaks or community-based supports, the organisation wants to make sure they can maximise their independence, skills and opportunities to live their best life.

This training is designed to ensure support workers are listening and understanding the personal goals of the participants so The Trust can make sure services continue to adapt to meet people’s needs and deliver great outcomes.

The training session was also a chance for the support workers to enjoy some team bonding time with the Sport & Rec team putting them through some “friendly” group activities where their competitive spirit shone through.

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